The Spare Share

Thursday, July 21, 2016

First 5 days on Whole30 Program

First 5 days on Whole30

I started this blog over 11 years ago, when I was a working woman with grown kids. It died shortly after being started because I simply wasn't into blogging and didn't have much to say in the minimal time I had available. 

Today I am a retired grandmother of 5, so far, and although helping out with the grandkids, walking for an hour and 15 minutes every day with the man, and all of my hobbies can keep me pretty busy, I am feeling like relaxing and writing a bit too. I guess I miss the opportunity to express myself in writing that my job used to provide. 

So, my first blog in over a decade is going to be about my thoughts on a new, for me anyway, food plan. Over the last year I have managed to take off 11 kilos and look and feel much better for the loss. But all I actually am is back to my normal chubby self following years and years of being FAT. Now I want to try and change that to something I never ever was, a really normal sized person who feels healthy and energetic. 

Almost every person I know tells me I look great and don't need to lose any more weight, but all of us fatties know that this is what people tend to say, even if it's not true. There are those who say it because my success makes them in some way uncomfortable/jealous. There are those who say it because compared to how I looked a year ago, this is such an improvement as to seem "enough". There are those who say it because they know that losing any more will be very difficult and maybe even impossible given my age (63) and the many long years of fat accumulation I have lived, and don't want me to be disappointed. All of that aside, I am not listening. I want to get thinner and get rid of excessive gas and stomach aches. I am also hoping for more energy. I used to be the most energetic person around, but with age, the energy levels have dropped. Maybe that is something I cannot fix, but it's worth a try. I will never know if I don't try.

So, my daughter tried the Whole30 program and loves it, and I am giving it a try too. I have completed 4 days and am in the middle of my 5th day. I want to share here how I am feeling, and how it's going for me. First of all, I have not finished reading "It Starts With Food", the textbook for the Whole30 program, but from the little I have read and stuff on the net I have found loads of great recipes that make the meal side of this program pretty awesome. I have made a great Shepherds pie with sweet potatoes, a delicious roasted cabbage with Sesame and Almond dressing, and a "to die for" Shredded beef and veggie noodles dish that is so amazing I will do it again for guests next week. 

My stomach is having some trouble with the program which are expressed in minor digestive issues. I am chalking this up to a complete change in what I am eating that is causing my digestive tract to adjust. Since this is part of what I am hoping will improve my health, I am going to be patient and wait it out. I will keep you updated on how long it takes me to get "regular" again.

What is most heartening so far is that I am so into taking good care of myself and making it through the ENTIRE 30 days without any sugar that doesn't come from fruits and without any grains at all, that I am not feeling deprived, or anxious, or longing for sweets, or short of temper. Of course, I know that its only been 4.5 days, and that is a long way from the end. But you've got to start somewhere. Here's hoping I can stick it out.

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